Friday, June 24, 2011

Three in One. Day 009.

Spent the day floating around the Convention Center & shot a variety of events...

Despite spending the afternoon observing, I still don't quite understand the concept of shuffleboard. But I know it's graphic.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Life in the Amazon. day 008.

100+ degrees, plus 100% humidity. Minus the giant bugs.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Schooled in Flirting. Day 007.

The older athletes who play volleyball... ? The biggest flirts I've ever encountered while shooting. Hands down.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a good day. day 006.

'twas a good day shooting track & field for the first time.

albeit terribly humid, & terribly hot... but a good day, nonetheless.
*Flo Meiler (VA), my senior citizen hero. At 76, she's kicking your ass & taking your name, every day and twice on Sundays. She's an incredible inspiration and it's a privilege every day I can photograph her competitive spirit and athleticism.

Monday, June 20, 2011

familiar... ? day 005

That photo seems oddly familiar... Hmmm? Maybe because I took it?
Kind of a neat experience to see your work on the big (big) screen !

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Vegas Wedding

She gives me the hope that true love exists...
The can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the starts, over the fence, World Series kinda stuff is real for each of us.

Second shooting with a great mentor, & great friend's guidance...
An amazing experience overall.
(even if photos of my face did manage to find their way into someone's edit !)

Negotiable failure. Day 004.

My name is Leah Parr
& I shoot pointless details... that I sincerely enjoy.

No one else does, but at least I like my own work, right?

Basketball pt two.

second attempt, much improved...
what a difference trying to shoot a vertical sport vertically makes.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Basket (comma) Ball.

Trapped in the Black Hole of Calcutta...

3200 ISO,
Pushing my camera to a place where no Canon camera ever should go.

All day, every day. Day 003

My life. For the next few days...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Torch Relay. Day 002.

The Flame Arrival ceremony at Discovery Green park in Houston, Texas...
An amazing experience to be apart of.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let the Madness Begin. Day 001.

Rick Rickman & "the" Clayton Addison take the art of scouting very, very seriously.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Welcome to Houston. Day 000.

My home for the next several weeks...

During the 2011 Summer National Senior Games in Houston.

Monday, June 6, 2011


1 set of Elinchrom rangers: more than I can afford.
Canon 1D & 24-70mm lens: $3000
MAC makeup: + $300
Purple jersey dress: $50

Finding a secret tunnel with great friends and having an impromptu fashion photo shoot under the freeway: Badass. & Priceless.

VC Athletic Trainer

The early beginnings of my picture story with Mark Chaney, the resident athletic trainer & backbone of the VC Pirates athletics program.

Although Mark is taking the summer off for a well-deserved break, I'm excited to pick this back up in the fall and continue working with him throughout the collegiate athletic season.

Pepperdine vs. Saint Mary's

Many thanks to Chris Macaluso at Pepperdine University for allowing Pat & I to come out and photograph the last game of the Waves baseball season.

Dumb luck.

The chance of stumbling onto a massive fire in Oxnard while I conveniently had the Nikon 400mm in the trunk... ?
Serendipitous dumb luck when the Photo Gods smile upon you, is what I call that