Sunday, May 15, 2011

Savior in the Details

What happens when you realize the 300mm f/2.8 you're shooting with is soft & doesn't lock? You save your ass with awesome details.
"if you can't be good, be graphic."


UCSB softball portraits on the fly?
With a homemade snoot with some paper & gaff tape...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cal State Northridge vs. UCSB

Despite the schizophrenic weather, Northridge has a beautifully graphic field that ensures for great photos.
Can I just shoot baseball the whole session please?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The best compliment

a friend actually posted this on her tumblr...
this is really the best thing I've read in a while, although I'm not sure I'm fully qualified to be critiquing anyone's photography at this point.
a huge compliment to everything that I do, regardless.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2011 Sports Shooter Academy Lighting Luau

To have Robert Hanashiro, a USA Today staffer with more talent in his left pinky finger than I possess entirely throughout my body, come introduce himself to me in the kindest, most genuine manner possible on the first hour at the SSA... It was the most surreal experience possible.

But that was the reality of this workshop! Industry professionals like Robert, or "Bert" (although I'm not sure I technically qualify to be able to call him anything other than Mr. Hanashiro) Matt Brown, and David Honl, to just name a few, were all there in a two-day workshop to further our understanding of light. They all sincerely cared, and genuinely wanted to help each and every one of us grow. If there were moments of stress or frustration, the veneer never cracked, every pro on staff was genuine.

Having the privilege to work with subjects like the LA Derby Dolls & Cal State Fullerton's athletes to create sports portraits using both strobes & speedlights, it was a real-world classroom to learn, create, stumble, and above all.. fail. Each academy participant was given the chance to fail, trouble-shoot, and work through each problem individually with professional help, if we struggled too much. Something I thought to really be important to our experience. No one gave us a lighting set-up that was predetermined, we determined it... Each instructor gave us the kick in the ass, Matt Brown especially (better believe I did LAPS across that CSUF soccer field with lenses & cables!), and threw us out on the field to play. It was absolutely fantastic.

There is an infinite list of people to thank who helped create this two-day workshop, from teachers to assistants to sponsors to the subjects, but I have the deepest gratitude to each and every person who made the SSA Lighting Luau possible through their combined efforts, there are truly not enough words to thank everyone.

I cannot wait to attend the Fall SSA!
(well, if I get in...)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Humble Pie

There is a certain individual, and I refuse to name names online, but I (to be fair) have been an utter b#$*% in the past about the work that he does at a certain LA sports arena working with remotes. To say I've been unkind about what he does, is a complete understatement.
But after spending the day shooting the NCAA West Regionals for gymnastics in Corvallis, Ore., recently, running cards and chasing down alleged missing remotes... I have never worked so damn hard in my life.

Remotes are incredibly hard. Running cards is a pain. & nothing is more stressful than thinking your remote isn't firing during the National Anthem.

So, to you sir, I retract my statements and offer my sincerest apologies.

Sports Portfolio

With my frantic Sports 1 class, screeching to a final halt during Week 8... I've fallen behind on updating this blog, partially due to placing priority on the precious few hours of sleep I was afforded, over blogging.

Rather than separate entries, I'm just including excerpts from my final portfolio, with a few comments. Transitioning to the Senior Games class hasn't exactly "lightened" my schedule. But, I'm enjoying every single minute of it thus far. No complaints.

Cute kids, cute kids, cute kids... I enjoy this photo, regardless

golden hour & baseball.. all my favorite things.

call this an absolute happy accident... but intentional sounds much better.

saw it. shot it. didn't even like it... three edits later with several people, this is one of my favorite photos of the event