Friday, January 14, 2011

Ain't life a beach?

Hanging at a bar on the outskirts of Hoi An with friends, drinking the best mojito I've ever had.

Although the end of my trip is rapidly approaching, I know this is a place I will not be able to stay away from for very long. The country of Viet Nam is an enigma that I've become enthralled with. Despite allowing other people's prejudice to cloud my early opinions, I've come to realize that this place and these people are not what it once was. The past is the past, and this country is moving slowly, but surely, into the 21st century letting bygones be bygones...

A much needed day of relaxation after a frenetic week of last minute shooting & editing. Much thanks to my friend, Nguyet, (or Moon, because I butcher all Vietnamese I attempt to pronounce) who introduced me to this incredible bar located right at the ocean's edge in Hoi An.

An American psychology student who hails from a Vietnamese family in Chicago, I was lucky enough to meet Moon at the children's school in Da Nang. She's been a virtual life-saver here in Da Nang.

Without her gracious help translating Vietnamese and being the ultimate queen of bartering for a good deal, Patrick and I never would have experienced this country in the way we have been privileged to without her. Seeing a new side of Viet Nam as the locals do, rather than typical touristy destinations, she has embraced our company and shared her culture with the clumsy photographers willingly.
From taking us to new restaurants to try more traditional dishes to our random adventures walking across the city, I truly can't express how grateful I have been for her company and friendship these past few weeks.

With plans to return in a year or two to teach English and open an institute for the local Vietnamese, I cannot wait to come back and accompany her on this endeavor and begin a whole new string of adventures.

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