Thursday, January 13, 2011

See you soon...

Over the three months spent traveling in Asia, I've seen my photography progress and grow to new levels of story-telling. I've sharpened my technical skills and begun to see light in a way reminiscent of the long past days of the darkroom. My reflexes are quicker and my instincts are better... I'm beginning to grow to be the photojournalist I will one day become.
Although I want to solely credit my improved technique to myself, I know that's hardly the truth of it, much to my chagrin. I've continually pushed myself to better my work, but I never could have done it alone. I have to give credit, where so much credit is due.

Without the help of an amazing friend, photographer, and mentor, Patrick McDermott... None of this would have been possible solely on my own.

With his patient guidance and thoughtful criticism, he's pushed my photography to new levels of documentary story-telling. Even in my lowest points where I've wanted to give up completely, pack up my gear, and find the first flight back to California... He's been the emotional support I've needed to gather my thoughts to find peace within myself and refocus my work. He's believed in me when no one else has, and that has meant the world to me.

Spending the last two months gallivanting through foreign countries, we've had some incredible, (albeit insane), adventures together. I'm not entirely sure how we've survived all of them, to be perfectly honest, without killing each other or getting killed ourselves, they are memories I will hold dear always. Whether that memory is good, or bad, it is still precious to me.

He's become so more than just a fellow shooter, he's become one of my best friends. One of just two photographers at Brooks I admire and respect more than words can truly convey. They've silently taught me to never give up, never surrender, and never allow anyone to have the final say on your work, a privilege that is solely yours. If I grow into being half the photojournalists they are, my career will be set for life.

Though he's five-thousand miles away in Paris, my thoughts and prayers are with him in this chaotic upcoming week that will change his life forever. He knows, despite whatever may have happened or will happen in the future, I will always be here.

In the words of Coldplay, I'll see you soon...

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